Equity Residences has released a new guide to owning a vacation home or residence club VS. an investment in Equity Residences.
The report includes four various vacation ownership options. An in-depth cost analysis is included which shows the lifetime value of owning each of the four options.
With lower upfront costs, and lower annual fees, investors in Equity Residences are enjoying their slice of vacation home ownership at a lower fixed cost than many alternatives.
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Here is a chart from the guide that shows some of the comparisons.
Equity Residences is an equity fund that purchases homes for investors to use as fractional residences. Equity Residences is currently raising capital in its Equity Platinum fund and is purchasing homes in the $3 million value range.
One of the great benefits to Equity Residences is their affiliation with Elite Alliance and Third Home, which gives their investors access to thousands of destinations.
Click on Equity Residences to view their vacation ownership homes.