LFG August Fractional Real Estate Newsletter
Check out our August Fractional News Roundup to view the latest properties and news in fractional real estate.
News Roundup
Check out our August Fractional News Roundup to view the latest properties and news in fractional real estate.
The LFG Fractional News Roundup for May has been sent. It includes four new European fractional property listings, an announcement of a new fractional real estate training course, and news of new fractional projects from Las Vegas to British Columbia. View the May Newsletter here.
Whether you are looking for a fabulous ski destination or already wishing for a tropical climate, we’ve got plenty of new properties to satisfy both. And don’t miss our Feature Article about what happens when you purchase a fractional real estate share. Become an LFG subscriber to receive future mailings.
This month’s newsletter brings you a spectacular set of properties from Grand Cayman Island to Costa Rica to Virginia. John Gosselin, Esq., a top fractional attorney from Massachusetts, is a guest contributor this month with an educational article on legal tips for fractional buyers. Become an LFG subscriber to receive future mailings.